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What is Industrial Automation?

The whole of systems that make human life easier and provide information, flexibility, innovation and quality are actually the basis of industrial automation. Robots, intelligent machines, and systems that can communicate with each other and with humans, which replace human power in any sector, can be called industrial automation systems.

Industrial automation systems, which have been created with great effort, not only provide systems that can operate 24 hours a day by minimizing manpower and maximizing production, but also contribute to obtaining flexible and quality results in all processes of the process.

Industrial automation systems are systems that require an investment cost when first installed. However, considering the advantages it will provide in terms of personnel expenses, it will provide a significant reduction in the company's costs.

If the products and equipment used are chosen correctly, they are systems that will not break down and require maintenance for many years.

24/7 production in any sector is not possible with manpower and labor. However, in large production facilities such as factories designed with industrial automation systems, there will be no disruption in production as long as the processes are processed correctly and there is no problem with raw materials.

In terms of quality, automation systems do not get tired, their capacities do not change instantly, so they continue their production in the number or amount of their hourly or minute production capacity. Moreover, the products produced are of the same quality as the previous one, unless there is an electrical or system malfunction.

In systems with sensitive production, it will probably be very difficult to adjust the desired weight or distance information using human power. In industrial automation systems, since there is a mathematical structure, the margin of error is almost non-existent.

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